Monday, June 22, 2009

update tactics

This is smart:

today we have hidden cameras in good locations ready to give u film

There's a real awareness of the power of media/net that's really an object lesson for the future. This is the first major uprising in a web literate society. Lots to learn.


  1. Ben Z2:40 pm

    don't forget guardian is a leftist paper with leftist readers - and leftist journalists. most staunchly anti-american lefties embracing figures such as chavez, castro and putin also love ahmadinejad, even more so, as he is a firm israel hater and holocaust denier.

    so either tait is a fan of the regime, or he is paid for by the regime, or he is just a stupid fuck.

    anyway, he's spreading misinformation and defeatism and should be ignored.

  2. As a good leftie, I could be offended by this but everyone's entitled to their opinion I guess ;-)
