Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Coming to a head

Tomorrow's demo. It beggars us in the West, to see the courage, after a massacre today, we'll see again people marching tomorrow. Hopefully in their hundreds of thousands, in their millions, too many for the regime to control and to beat. For the martyrs and for liberation. For self-determination.
I'm an atheist. I'm not a proponent of representative democracy. I don't like the belief systems of godbotherers and liberals. But I * really* don't like the beliefs of those who want to take and retain power at all costs. And I don't like those who say that their way of thinking and being is the solution for all, whether Imam or Cadre leader.
This is about the freedom of self-determination. Let people work out what they want without the arm of any oppressive state to coerce them - be it liberal or fascist, theocratic or secular.
The call to march tomorrow is epic in its heroism. It has that poetic quality, and perhaps none more so than in Google's translation of it from Farsi to English:

Thursday, June 4 hours 5 pm, mourning and violence Martyrs Memorial in the spirit of recent owner of the slogan "vote rate is the nation", the leader of struggle and oppression belongs with large posters with the relevant branch with a flower, to. Dear supporters suggest. Extensive information by email and posters for your player, media Shmayyd

Our thoughts are with you. The world is watching.

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