Saturday, October 14, 2006

On being cool

Tom Waits and the Dude Lebowski. It's a feeling, it's fitting in and it's being totally set apart. It's being in the right place and time, yet standing out. Being cool isn't emulating that Ray Charles Sam Cooke cool; it's the recognition of difference and acceptance of your place in the circus of freaks. The willingness to stand out and be discounted.It's the clack of pool balls and the lipsmack of jack Daniels for sure, but more it's the ability to look around and see the story and understand, to play the game and remember it's a game. And never care for winning or losing. It's intelligence and sometimes wilful ignorance, especially at the bottom of more than a few Jack Daniels or Jimmy's. It's turning to the dataday world and saying that not only do I understand you and not go along with your story, but I'm living the way you'd really like to live and I'm your hidden dreams.
If only you were cool enough.