Friday, October 28, 2005


Civilization IV was launched a couple of days ago in the States. It's not even out over here till next month, but I'm going to be waiting even longer. That's my big Christmas present from the wife this year. It looks fantastic though, so I'm pleased I've got a week off after Christmas to give it a good go.
Just before Christmas, Peter Jackson's 'King Kong' is out. It's just been reported that it's a 3 hour epic - like his Rings films - and from following the production diaries, it looks about as perfect as I could have hoped. I'm an old Kong fan too - like Jackson, it inspired me to make films. My old mate Jon, who I first made films with, was also a huge Kong fan. Unfortunately, neither of us had quite Jackson's career! I haven't made a film in 7 years, and the last I heard Jon was attempting his comeback as a stand-up comic.
Anticipating these entertainments is fun, but it's as a kid that you truly experience anticipation. This weekend kicks off the two month party period that stretches from Halloween to New Year. Willow is now familiar with the sequence "Halloween, Sint Maarten's, Sinterklaas, Willow's Birthday, Christmas, New Year". At it's best this time of year can be one of dark nights, a nip in the air and the cosy indoors, the lure and danger of the unknown. It's the only time left in a modern, Western, atheist's life when we celebrate the magical, and I like to retain that feeling for the kids. To give them the understanding that life is bigger than 24-hour TV and junkmail advertising.
Willow's full of beans this morning, because she knows that I'm taking her to see "Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit" this evening. Seems like a perfect start to the party season.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that nice - my first meaningless spam after only a few days :-)
