Monday, August 14, 2006

And again

No work tomorrow. So another late night blog...
In an argument with the wife today. She doesn't understand that I need resolution. She's part of the old school that pretends that nothing ever happened and let's go along just so....
And she's not from the same background. She is, whatever she might say, from a middle class background. That is still true for more than 90% of the people I know. And the reason for that, is that I move in a middle class environment these days.
So how is it that in a middle class environment, there are virtually no working class people? In Esther's scene, there's one working class guy - Arie; married to a spolit rich brat, who hasn't got the balls he was born with to say boo to her. In my work scene , all the young pretenders are middle class, sons and daughters of the respectable.
No wonder then that I still have trouble with their culture. That's actually at the root of my argument with the wife today. Becasue this whole middle class husband shit is shit. I don't buy it at all.
The question for me, is whether I should abandon it all and go back to the real world without money, but at least with some form of integrity and resistance.
If I didn't have kids, the choice would be a no-brainer.

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