Friday, February 03, 2006


Shit man, I've been busy lately. I must have 15 or more projects on the go at work, and I'm juggling having to do the technical shit on them right now, and zipping to management meetings. So little chance to blog, or do much at all.
And I'm trying to find from somewhere the energy to get back into finishing the first draft of the book. Only about a third to go, and then I can start all over again, now that I'm sort of getting the main plot arcs and themes nailed down a bit. Not that I can do that now - I don't like to write seriously with a few beers in me.
Poor old kids must be feeling kind of neglected. Last weekend they were away at Oma's for the weekend, which at least gave me & Es the chance to chill - and party, to be honest. Took a while to recover - I'm not used to a hard party weekend anymore!
In fact, Christmas was 2 weeks with the kids, because I knew I'd not get a break for a good while, and since then I've also had to calm on the drinking during the week, 'cos Christmas was pretty intense! Well, it's good to know I'm not an alcoholic, despite some years on the verge :-)
There's not a hell of a lot happening in the world outside that's really inspiring me to write a blog either. Climate - well, it's been cold in Russia this winter, so not exactly a surprise there. Hamas won the Palestinian elections, but not really a surprise there. And Bush yesterday announced in his State of the Union address that America must break its addiction to oil. Which probably just means that Haliburton has moved into nuclear energy.
Stupidest story at the moment, and big news everywhere, is that some cartoons in a Danish newspaper have now led to riots, boycotts, and all sorts of shit with people getting there nose out of joint.
To be honest, the cartoons look pretty shit stuff - the sort of "swarthy Arab" stereotype associated with violence and intolerance - that is basically just racist tosh. But the reaction of the fundamentalist god-botherers (or, I suppose, Allah-botherers in this case) is as usual full of hypocrisy. They go around insulting gays, women, Jews, and gods-alone-know-who-else. So - if you can't take it, don't dole it out guys.
Don't the self-righteous just bug the shit out of you?
So, in the interests of humour, here's a funny cartoon, from these guys, and I hope they forgive me for reposting:-)

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