Saturday, December 10, 2005


I was watching some adverts and TV earlier tonight. It was one of those unpleasantly revelatory experiences, because the level of intelligence that was assumed and preached for in the audience was disappointing, even after years of being constantly amazed that people would watch the total tosh on offer. This synapse-numbing "makeover housemate get-a-brain retard on sale for the lowest bidder, would you meet my mother and blow my spaniel" reality show special that seems to be the point of TV these days. Is there any fucking wonder I don't want to work in that industry?
So, congratulations to my brother-in-law, whose first job after we stopped making indy documentaries together, was as cameraman on the first ever series of Big Brother, where it was invented, here in Holland! Not exactly the spawn of Satan that show, but spawn of a type, for sure.
Of course, the middle class wannabe intellectual stuff is, if anything, even more nauseating. I just caught a piece of "Newsnight Review" on BBC, a sort of "arts" review show for the ironically-challenged subnormal set from Islington and its associated hopefuls. I may be Northern, but I don't think that's the only reason why I'm not sure if those accents are caused by them talking out their arses or not.

And it's such a shame, when there's so much hidden culture in the world. And the last bit I heard before posting this, was Marilyn Monroe, singing 'Santa baby'. Possibly the sexiest thing in the world: "Come and trim my Christmas tree...Santa baby, hurry down the chimney tonight".

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